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                Welcome to you !

                About Us
                About Us
                Location: About Us >About Us
                SINCE 1998

                Dalian Xinhe Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd is a modernized high and new technology?enterprise?integrating metallurgical equipments, continuous casting facilities, coke oven equipments, bulk material conveying equipments, mining machinery, tunneling equipments、special equipment for petroleum drilling, refining and chemical industry manufacturing, that was founded in 1998 in Zhuanghe Dalian,Liaoning province, covering an area of 96,000 square meters, owns 332 employees, including 52 managers,38 technicians and 242 skilled workers.

                Our company owns advanced informatization management method, simple and efficient management model, with a high level team of skilled workers. Xinhe has abundant financial strength and manufacturing performance as well as good company culture. The total output value is 160 million RMB in 2019 , and the total tax amount is 14.5 million RMB.

                Our main customers:CFHI , China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC Group) , China National Machinery Industry Corporation Ltd(Sinomach) , SMS Group , Danieli Metallurgical Equipment (China) Co.,Ltd., Primetals Metallurgy Technology Co., Ltd., Canada Nordic Minesteel Technologies , South Africa Galison , and other international well-known companies.

                The company has a spacious and clean working environment, sophisticated processing equipment.

                The machining workshop size is 20,000 m2, owns about 200 sets machining equipments, including TK6920 CNC Floor-Type Boring and Milling Machine, CMC50180MR3 CNC Gantry Boring and Milling Machine,VDF1800 Machining Center etc. The max. lifting capacity of single crane is 32 tons.

                The metal structure workshop has a building area of more than 15,000 m2 .The max. lifting capacity is 50/5tons, in?addition,the outdoor work-yard covers 4000 m2, and with another 50/5tons crane. At the same time, it has a large platform, CNC Gantry Cutting Machine, CNC Gantry Plasma Cutting Machine(Hypertherm), Gouging Machine, Press Machine, Hydraulic Oil Press, CNC Molding Machine, CNC Plate Shears, CNC Punching Machine, Argon Arc Welding, Submerged Arc Welding, CO2 Arc Welding Machine and other welding equipments more than 100 sets.?

                The Assembly Workshop covers more than 25,000 m2 , indoor lifting capacity is 100 tons, there is a 100-ton crane, a 50-ton crane and other 14 cranes of 32 tons, 20 tons and 10 tons.With installation platform, Alignment Instrument, Laser Interferometer, Magnetic Drilling Machine and other equipment more than 80 sets.

                The Casting Workshop covers more than 20,000 m2. The max. indoor lifting capacity is 32 tons. There are two Resin Sand Product Lines, two workshops for casting steel and casting copper, a substation. There is a Medium Frequency Induction Furnace of 7 tons, two Induction Furnace of 3 tons, two Induction Furnaces of 1 ton, and a set Oxygen-Free Copper Casting equipment.

                Laboratory is equipped with a large number of precise detecting instruments, including Direct-Reading?Spectrometer, Electrohydraulic Universal Testing Machine etc.