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                Welcome to you !

                Location: About Us >Culture
                XIN:Everything rouses up from sleeping in spring, a gentle man should hold the outer world with broad mind and constantly strive for self-perfection.
                HE:Seek common ground while reserving differences. Simple for explicating one’s ambition, quiet to go far!
                Company Mission
                Assume social responsibility and serve to the society.
                Company Vision
                Seek technological innovation and development, Create brilliant Chinese enterprises.
                Talent Strategy
                Talent Strategy
                Respect knowledge, Respect labor, Respect innovation; Acknowledge people's personalities and differences, and respect their interests and pursuits. Put people first and give play to expertise.
                Social Responsibility
                Social Responsibility
                Give back to the country:
                promote the technological progress of the whole industry through scientific and technological innovation, so as to improve social benefits;
                Give back to local governments:
                paying taxes in accordance with the law, providing employment opportunities and promote local economic development;
                Give back to employees:
                improve their happiness and sense of belonging, improve their welfare, and improve their working conditions.
                Quality is the life of enterprise.