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                Welcome to you !

                Comprehensive Strength
                Location: Global Network >Service

                Xinhe Heavy Industry adheres to the philosophy of customer-oriented and striver oriented, persevering, making high-quality products intelligently and serving customers...

                With a high-quality, excellent technology, has a strong ability to adapt to the professional service team. The customer service center of the marketing management department of the company is the centralized management department of customer service, which is responsible for organizing, coordinating and managing the service business of commodity units; each commodity unit has a special person to be responsible for the service work and specifically implement the whole process service of products. The perfect organization system and management system ensure the effective development of the company's service work.

                The company puts forward the ideological requirements of "quality first, user first, service first", sets up customer training service center, establishes after-sales service network covering all parts of the country, implements hierarchical dynamic management of service personnel, and strictly evaluates service personnel performance based on the three standards of user evaluation, comprehensive assessment and performance linkage. Improve the service mode, carry out regular return visit, telephone interview, leader interview system, improve the service commitment. Timely investigation and collection of quality problems and requirements of users on the product, and the quality information, improvement target timely convey to the technical, production, quality department, in order to find out the root causes, implement responsibility, take measures, quickly correct the problem, so as to ensure product quality, maintain corporate reputation, consolidate the market space.