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                Welcome to you !

                About Us
                About Us
                Quality First, User First, Service First.
                • 1998Years
                  Was Founded
                • 96000
                  Area Of
                • 8000Wan
                  Registered Capital
                • 16000Wan
                  In 2019 total output value
                Enterprise Profile
                Dalian Xinhe Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd is a modernized high and new technology?enterprise?integrating metallurgical equipments, continuous casting facilities, coke oven equipments, bulk material conveying equipments, mining machinery, tunneling equipments、special equipment for petroleum drilling, refining and chemical industry manufacturing, that was founded in 1998 in Zhuanghe Dalian,Liaoning province, covering an area of 96,000 square meters, owns 332 employees, including 52 managers,38 technicians and 242 skilled workers.
                More +
                Quality First, User First, Service First.
                XIN:Everything rouses up from sleeping in spring, a gentle man should hold the outer world with broad mind and constantly strive for self-perfection. HE:Seek common ground while reserving differences. Simple for explicating one’s ambition, quiet to go far!