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                Welcome to you !

                Comprehensive Strength
                Location: Comprehensive Strength >Management

                Relying on technical strength to support steady development

                Improve the level of process design and modern production and manufacturing capacity, enhance the comprehensive quality of technical personnel, and enhance the income creating level of industrial design, so that Xinhe heavy industry is in the leading position in the same industry in China in terms of enterprise scale, process level, comprehensive benefits, brand achievements, market share, comparative advantage and other aspects, and occupy the international market a tiny space.

                We should increase personnel recruitment and training to consolidate the foundation for development. We should formulate preferential policies, create a good environment, open a wide range of channels, close external contacts, actively introduce all kinds of talents needed by enterprises, especially high-tech talents. We should optimize the talent structure by actively introducing, on-the-job training, and combining production, teaching and research, so as to improve the quality of personnel, and establish a high-quality talent team suitable for the development of enterprises.

                According to the strategic goal of enterprise development, the strategic concept of "relying on information technology to build a world-class business management platform for heavy machinery enterprises and support the sustained and rapid development of enterprises" is put forward.Product data management (PDM), computer-aided process management (CAPP) are implemented. Through the deep and integrated application of the three core business application systems of Enterprise Resource Planning Management (ERP), an information support platform covering core business such as product design, process design, manufacturing and operation management and control has been built, forming a situation of "three flows in one" of logistics, information flow and capital flow, information sharing, business integration and parallel collaboration.