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                Welcome to you !

                Is a modernized high and new technology?enterprise?integrating metallurgical equipments, continuous casting facilities, coke oven equipments, bulk material conveying equipments, mining machinery, tunneling equipments、special equipment for petroleum drilling, refining and chemical industry manufacturing.
                • Copper Casting Products
                  Copper Casting Products
                  Copper Casting Products

                  Welcome to visit our company and look forward to cooperating with you for a win-win situation.

                • Casting Parts of Machining Center
                  Casting Parts of Machini...
                  Casting Parts of Machining Center

                  Welcome to visit our company and look forward to cooperating with you for a win-win situation.

                • Backup Roller Bearing Housing
                  Backup Roller Bearing Ho...
                  Backup Roller Bearing Housing

                  Welcome to visit our company and look forward to cooperating with you for a win-win situation.

                • Furnace Cover
                  Furnace Cover
                  Furnace Cover

                  Welcome to visit our company and look forward to cooperating with you for a win-win situation.

                • Top Charging System
                  Top Charging System
                  Top Charging System

                  Welcome to visit our company and look forward to cooperating with you for a win-win situation.

                • Brake Release Device on the Upper Part of Electrode Column
                  Brake Release Device on ...
                  Brake Release Device on the Upper Part of Electrode Column

                  Welcome to visit our company and look forward to cooperating with you for a win-win situation.

                • Electrode Column
                  Electrode Column
                  Electrode Column

                  Welcome to visit our company and look forward to cooperating with you for a win-win situation.

                • Guide

                  Welcome to visit our company and look forward to cooperating with you for a win-win situation.

                • Steel Ladle
                  Steel Ladle
                  Steel Ladle

                  Welcome to visit our company and look forward to cooperating with you for a win-win situation.

                Quality is the life of enterprise.

                Xinhe Heavy Industry adheres to the philosophy of customer-oriented and striver oriented, persevering, making high-quality products intelligently and serving customers...
